Hyperlinks aus Excel extrahieren mit Python
Hier ist ein kleines Python-Script, welches alle Hyperlinks aus Microsoft Excel Dokumenten in eine Textdatei extrahiert. Es benötigt Pywin32!
from win32com.client import Dispatch from sys import argv from sys import exit if len(argv)<=2: print 'This tool extracts all Hyperlink addresses from Excel documents to a file..' print '\nUsage: xlshyperlink.exe' exit() app = Dispatch('Excel.Application') app.Visible = 0 doc = app.Workbooks.Open(argv[1], 0, False, 2) file = open(argv[2], 'w') count = 0 for i in range (doc.Worksheets.Count): for worksheet in range (doc.Worksheets.Item(i+1).Hyperlinks.Count): link = doc.Worksheets.Item(i+1).Hyperlinks.Item(worksheet+1).Address file.write(link+'\n') print link count += 1 file.close() print 'Written %s URLS to file %s'%(count, argv[2]) doc.Saved = 1 app.Quit()